Nine mice hidden on Main Street that both kids and adults can try to find.
Uncle Miles is the last mice to be found on Main Street and he is by the Westin-Poinsett. Mitch does a lot of things but he might be a banker for his day job. Mille is a mouse you can really look up to…Literally! Melissa is just walking along Main Street minding her own business. See if you can find her! Marvin Jr. likes sitting on the burb just watching people walk by. Marvin is the easiest of the mice to find. Start with him in front of the Hyatt Regency. Marcley likes to be where all of the action is so she hangs out near the plazza. Just across the street from Marvin, Maggie is having a ball just hanging around. Aunt Miffin is a bit fond of the flowers on Main Street.
In the charming town of Greenville South Carolina, hidden in plain sight right on Main Street, are nine little mice sculptures that form a unique downtown scavenger hunt that is fun for both children and adults alike. The mice are all viewable from the sidewalks on Main Street but are so cleverly interwoven into the cityscape that they can be difficult to find and almost completely disappear if you are not specifically looking for them. The nine mice are spread out over an area of about 4 city blocks on the flat wide sidewalks of downtown Greenville.
The “Mice on Main” were created by a young man named Jim Ryan who came up with the idea for his senior project. His inspiration came from the popular children’s book “Goodnight Moon”. Jim was able to successfully pitch the idea to the town and raise enough money for the project. With the assistance from the Mayor at the time, Knox White, local Greenville sculptor Zan Wells, and many others, the bronze mice have permanent homes on Main Street and have become one of the unique gems that make Greenville a charming town.
Greenville is located in the upstate of South Carolina not too far off Interstate 85 almost in the middle between Atlanta Georgia and Charlotte North Carolina. To reach Main Street where the hunt for Mice on Main begins, take Interstate 385 downtown until it ends and turns into E North St. You can continue on E. North St. all the way to Main St. but if you bear right onto Beattie Place it will be easier to find parking. We suggest the large parking structure called “the commons” garage adjacent to the Hyatt Regency, Greenville. The Commons parking structure is convenient to the north end of Main Street and there are public restrooms available nearby and throughout downtown.
“Mice on Main” starts at the North end of Main Street in front of the Hyatt Regency hotel. You will find the first mouse on a stone with an informative plaque. Now that you know the location of the first mouse, you are on your own to find the other eight. Have fun looking for them! All of the remaining eight mice are between the Hyatt and the Westin Poinsett just a few blocks down Main Street.
If you need help, there are clues available at the Mice on Main website at and also at Mast General Store. There is also a Mice on Main book available, written by Linda Kelly. If you have little kids, this is the perfect companion to an adventure on Main Street. You can purchase the book right on Main Street at Mast General Store or O.P.Taylors toy store; both of which are along the route of the mice. Mast General Store also has Mice on Main t-shirts and a board game available for purchase.
Many people have gone on the hunt for the mice; Have you ever taken the time to find each and every one of them? Get a group of friends together and go spend some quality time in downtown Greenville looking for the Mice on Main! Work up an appetite and visit one of the many unique restaurants downtown. Be sure to save room for dessert as ice cream shops abound in downtown Greenville. Have fun and be safe.